February Calendar Reminders - Early Dismissal at 12:10 p.m. on Thursday, February 13 - School Improvement (no Pre-K Feb. 13). No School Friday, February 14 - P/T Conferences and No School Monday, February 17 - Presidents' Day. 1 Hour Early Dismissal on Wednesday, February 26 - School Improvement. Click on the links to view the school calendar https://5il.co/35ewh and early dismissal schedule https://5il.co/2rbh6

This event is for incoming kindergarten students for the 2025-2026 school year that do not attend preschool at the ELC. The ELC will screen enrolled students during their normal classroom times.

Dental Safari is coming to Richland County Schools! Online regisration is fast and easy. Scan the QR Code or click on the link https://www.dentalsafaricompany.com/patient-forms/
For more information, contact your child's school.

Pre-K Currently has Openings! Call 618-395-7258 ext. 6100 to schedule a screening.

January Calendar Reminders - No School Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday and 1 Hour Early Dismissal on Thursday, January 23rd for School Improvement/Faculty Meetings. Click on the links to view the school calendar https://5il.co/35ewh and early dismissal schedule https://5il.co/2rbh6

School will be cancelled for Friday, January 10th due to road conditions not improving and the possibility of additional snow.

School has been cancelled for tomorrow, Thursday, January 9th due to poor road conditions.

School has been cancelled for tomorrow, Wednesday, January 8th due to continued poor road conditions.

Don't forget tomorrow starts our Christmas Dress-Up days at the ELC!

Important Calendar Reminders for December and January - 1 hour Early Dismissal on Wednesday, Dec. 18 and Friday, Dec. 20. Winter Break is Dec. 23 - Jan. 3. No School on Jan. 6 for Teacher Institute. School resumes for all students on Tuesday, Jan. 7. Click on the link to view the school calendar: https://5il.co/2rbgr

Contact our School Resource Officers with any concerns!

Please remember we go outside daily, even when it's cold! Make sure your child brings their coat or contact us at the ELC if your child needs a coat.

Coming Soon! Toy & Coat Give-Away at RCES on Thursday, December 12th. All are invited!

November - Important Calendar Reminders - No School Tuesday, November 5 and Monday, November 11. Early Dismissal Days in November too. Click on the link to view the School Calendar for all dates and dismissal times: https://5il.co/2rbgr

October Early Dismissal Reminder: Wednedsay, October 23 - 1 hour early dismissal for all schools for School Improvement/Faculty Meetings. Click on the link to view the regular and early dismissal schedule: https://5il.co/2rbh6

September Early Dismissal Reminders: Wednesday, Sept. 18 School Improvement Day with early dismissal at 12:10 p.m. (No PreK for All classes). Thursday, Sept. 26 SIP Meetings with 1 hour early dismissal for all schools. Click on the link to view the regular and early dismissal schedule: https://5il.co/2rbh6

The ELC September Newsletter:

Fall is a busy time for Bright Beginnings and the ELC!

Reminder: All RCCU #1 schools will dismiss one hour early on Wednesday, August 28th for School Improvement Meetings. Click on the link to view the regular and early dismissal schedule: https://5il.co/2rbh6

Welcome Back to School Letter!