February Calendar Reminders - Early Dismissal at 12:10 p.m. on Thursday, February 13 - School Improvement (no Pre-K Feb. 13). No School Friday, February 14 - P/T Conferences and No School Monday, February 17 - Presidents' Day. 1 Hour Early Dismissal on Wednesday, February 26 - School Improvement. Click on the links to view the school calendar https://5il.co/35ewh and early dismissal schedule https://5il.co/2rbh6
6 days ago, Richland County CUSD #1
Early Dismissal Reminder February
This event is for incoming kindergarten students for the 2025-2026 school year that do not attend preschool at the ELC. The ELC will screen enrolled students during their normal classroom times.
10 days ago, Richland County CUSD #1
Kindergarten Screenings 2025-2026
Dental Safari is coming to Richland County Schools! Online regisration is fast and easy. Scan the QR Code or click on the link https://www.dentalsafaricompany.com/patient-forms/ For more information, contact your child's school.
18 days ago, Richland County CUSD #1
Dental Safari 2025
Pre-K Currently has Openings! Call 618-395-7258 ext. 6100 to schedule a screening.
20 days ago, Richland County CUSD #1
Pre-K Openings 2024-2025
January Calendar Reminders - No School Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday and 1 Hour Early Dismissal on Thursday, January 23rd for School Improvement/Faculty Meetings. Click on the links to view the school calendar https://5il.co/35ewh and early dismissal schedule https://5il.co/2rbh6
about 1 month ago, Richland County CUSD #1
January Calendar Reminders
School will be cancelled for Friday, January 10th due to road conditions not improving and the possibility of additional snow.
about 1 month ago, Kacie Rodgers
Snow Day
School has been cancelled for tomorrow, Thursday, January 9th due to poor road conditions.
about 1 month ago, Kacie Rodgers
Snow Day
School has been cancelled for tomorrow, Wednesday, January 8th due to continued poor road conditions.
about 1 month ago, Kacie Rodgers
Snow Day
Don't forget tomorrow starts our Christmas Dress-Up days at the ELC!
2 months ago, Richland County Early Learning Center
Christmas Dress-up
Important Calendar Reminders for December and January - 1 hour Early Dismissal on Wednesday, Dec. 18 and Friday, Dec. 20. Winter Break is Dec. 23 - Jan. 3. No School on Jan. 6 for Teacher Institute. School resumes for all students on Tuesday, Jan. 7. Click on the link to view the school calendar: https://5il.co/2rbgr
2 months ago, Kacie Rodgers
December Dismissal Reminders
Contact our School Resource Officers with any concerns!
2 months ago, Richland County CUSD #1
SRO Phone Numbers
Please remember we go outside daily, even when it's cold! Make sure your child brings their coat or contact us at the ELC if your child needs a coat.
2 months ago, Richland County Early Learning Center
Coming Soon! Toy & Coat Give-Away at RCES on Thursday, December 12th. All are invited!
3 months ago, Richland County CUSD #1
Toy & Coat Give-Away
November - Important Calendar Reminders - No School Tuesday, November 5 and Monday, November 11. Early Dismissal Days in November too. Click on the link to view the School Calendar for all dates and dismissal times: https://5il.co/2rbgr
4 months ago, Richland County CUSD #1
November Calendar Reminders
October Early Dismissal Reminder: Wednedsay, October 23 - 1 hour early dismissal for all schools for School Improvement/Faculty Meetings. Click on the link to view the regular and early dismissal schedule: https://5il.co/2rbh6
4 months ago, Richland County CUSD #1
Early Dismissal - 2:10 pm
September Early Dismissal Reminders: Wednesday, Sept. 18 School Improvement Day with early dismissal at 12:10 p.m. (No PreK for All classes). Thursday, Sept. 26 SIP Meetings with 1 hour early dismissal for all schools. Click on the link to view the regular and early dismissal schedule: https://5il.co/2rbh6
5 months ago, Richland County CUSD #1
September Early Dismissal
The ELC September Newsletter:
6 months ago, Richland County Early Learning Center
Sept news 1
Sept news 2
Fall is a busy time for Bright Beginnings and the ELC!
6 months ago, Richland County Early Learning Center
Potty Training
BB scavenger
Reminder: All RCCU #1 schools will dismiss one hour early on Wednesday, August 28th for School Improvement Meetings. Click on the link to view the regular and early dismissal schedule: https://5il.co/2rbh6
6 months ago, Richland County CUSD #1
Early Dismissal Reminder
Welcome Back to School Letter!
7 months ago, Richland County CUSD #1
Welcom Back Letter
Welcome Back